
It is our healing mission to determine the underlying cause of Dis-Ease and correct it using natural solutions with measurable results. The clinic is here to provide each patient with an alternative primary care option from an integrated holistic perspective.  In addition to standard high quality chiropractic methods and practices, Dr. Akers and his group of Chiropractic Doctors are experts in Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing for health conditions).

Chiropractic Description

Dr. Akers group of Chiropractic Doctors integrates traditional chiropractic methods and practices with advanced methods in cranial sacral, organ system reflex, neuromusculoskeletal reflex (nerve/vascular, nerve/lymphatic, nerve/organ) and mind body clearing, to deliver a truly exceptional whole person therapeutic session.

Our integrated therapy supports injury recovery and treatment of chronic and degenerative conditions.

As described below, these sessions are delivered focused on a very specific problem or a range of issues. Our intention is that the “who you are”, is able to express completely through your physical form.

What to expect during your first visit

We conduct a thorough exam to determine if you are in the right place and what is likely the cause of your issue. After that we will tell you what we have found and give you a treatment focused on your primary concern as indicated by the exam. You will be provided with home care instructions to help you between visits and to get optimal results from your treatment. if indicated X-ray, MRI or Blood studies may be requested. With the exam findings and results of diagnostic tests We will be able to create a custom treatment plan that encompasses your body as a whole.

On our next visit

Our Doctors will do a follow up treatment to support your progress and to see how well you held the first treatment. You will then receive a written report of our findings and recommend an Integrated Action Plan. The price for the report of findings is included in the first visit fee. We include a financial estimate that has a discount for prepayment of the plan.

You are under no pressure to do the plan and we honor your priorities. You can have us just treat you with chiropractic for the things we find that day or do the proposed plan. The plan can be modified to your priorities and finances.

Our treatment objective is to clear as many blocks from your health as possible in the time we have together. Our integrated approach assures structural, metabolic, energetic, and mental/emotional issues are given appropriate priority.

Types of Treatment

Each session includes a nose to toes checkup and treatment as time allows.

Full Body Tune-up:

15 min session designed to give a whole person treatment. Good for patients with 0-3 problem areas, minimal degeneration, fair health and fitness or in a Maintenance Phase of care. Treatment is focused on problem areas first then treating things that could become problems.

Full Body Overhaul:

30 min extended session for patients with 3 or more problem areas, moderate to severe degeneration, poor to compromised health and fitness, or are in an Initial Intensive Treatment Phase.

These Sessions may include:

Self Care Prescription

Consultation to prescribe activities of daily living that support in-office treatment and your ability to take care of yourself without a doctor. This can be to reduce aggravating activities that slow progress and increase pain or to increase an activity to build strength to relieve chronic pain.

Supplement Prescription

Evaluate for and prescribe nutrients for a particular condition or general health. May include muscle testing to determine which nutrient combination is likely to be most effective.

Lumbar Disc Treatment

Highly specific session for safely eliminating pain and rehabilitating disc protrusions. (See Integrated Disc Rehab program) The presence and position of a bulged disc is determined and reduced with high precision methods.

Neurological Organization treatment

Cranial Injury and Chronic health issues often result in changes to the function of the nervous system. Learning disability can also result from dysfunction of nervous system function. This treatment evaluates for and treats aberrant nervous system reflexes.

Organ System Treatment

Brief, Basic or Extended session focused on restoring proper organ function. Includes organ specific nutrient prescription.

Muscle Activation Treatment

Basic or extended session focused on performing intricate and comprehensive muscle reflex work for post injury or chronic issues that do not respond to methods in a regular office visit session. Nerve, Vascular, Lymphatic, Meridian, and Organ Reflexes are evaluated and activated to the muscle subdivision level.

Orthotic Casting and Fitting:

Office visit includes; time for consultation, casting biomechanically correct Orthotic impressions, fitting finished Orthotic to shoe and patient, retesting clinical indicators and training for break-in and use.

What does D. Akers do differently?

The Dr. Akers Clinic maintains the perspective of you as a whole being not just component parts. There are four domains of Structure, Metabolism, Energy and Mental/Emotion. The place where you feel the pain is usually not where the problem is. For example; Low back pain can come from a problem with the joints the nerves, the muscle, the ligaments, the intestines, the kidneys, the prostate/uterus, or emotional stress such as deadlines/money. In your body, everything is connected to everything. When your body can’t fix a problem completely it compensates and moves the pain somewhere else so you can function. So you can be in bad shape and still feel pretty good. That makes it complicated some times when we do something to fix a complaint and then next level of dysfunction reveals itself. Much like peeling away layers of an onion. Optimal health is achieved by peeling away the layers.


American Chiropractic Association

Colorado Chiropractic Association

International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK-USA)

Sacro-Occipital Research International (SORSI)

Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM)